Love it, use it or lose it.

Love it, use it or lose it.

Read our five simple tips to declutter your home.

Love it, use it or lose it.

Tip #1 Form and function: 

Is it broken or damaged? If it had mattered, wouldn't you have had it mended by now? Ged rid of it!


Tip #2 The two year rule:

You say you have 'nothing to wear' but your wardrobe is bulging. Haven't worn something in the last two years? Donate it to a local charity.


Tip #3 Done and dusted:

Your storage spaces are filled with boxes of outdated kitchen gadgets, unused gym equipment, and the baby clothes of your now adult children. Pack them up and pass them on.


Tip #4 Computer says 'NO':

Holding onto floppy disks, cassette tapes, old mobile phones and computers? Transfer and backup anything that matters. Then drop off electronic items off at your nearest e-waste recycler.


Tip #5 Lost all meaning:

The artwork your great aunt left you. The ring your ex gave you. If the items don't mean anything to you anymore, it is time to let them go.


Once you're in the clear, contact Priority Home Loans for more information on selling your nelwy decluttered property.


Priority Home Loans Newcastle

Phone: 02 4967 5256
